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dropdownlist selected value

Jayden Bell 1724 28-Aug-2014

I have page dropdownlist and button when choose my group from dropdownlist and click button then button send selected value  via query string then page view group detail based on id in query string this happens the first time but when I change group from dropdownlist the query string still has the last id and my code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack) FillList();
    if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null)
        div_General.Visible = true;
        div_Special.Visible = true;
        dropdownlist1 .SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["id"];
protected void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (dropdownlist1 .SelectedIndex == 0)
        par_ErrorMessage.InnerText = "choose group first  ...";
        par_ErrorMessage.Visible = true;
    else Response.Redirect("Authority.aspx?id=" + dropdownlist1.SelectedValue);

I figured the problem in this when I click button and suppose that new value in dropdownlist page life cycle go to page load first and in this code

  dropdownlist1 .SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["id"];

Return selected value to the last one before read it from button1_click

my FillList Method

 private void FillList()
    oGroup = new Cls_Groups();
    cmb_Group.DataSource = oGroup.LoadGroups();
    cmb_Group.Items.Insert(0, "-- اختر مما يلي --");

Updated on 28-Aug-2014

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